Completion: Delivered and Purified Bride
Completion: Delivered and Purified Bride Written on: March 3, 2020 Office Haven in Mandaue at 2-5PM Event: Complete Deliverance and Purification of Marie Christine Yiska Yu Date of Event: 8 Ziv 5779 It was Monday, May 13, 2019 of Cebu Barangay Elections so there was no work. During this time, I was always close to 2 of my Pastoras from Mindanao because I felt their spirits so strongly as one like mine. They are Pastora Mercylyn Sajor Ariz and Schimiz ErmitaƱo , and they were here in Cebu because they were persecuted by the Churches in Mindanao for doing the works of GOD - Deliverance and healing. We worshiped together all the time, as much as we can in the office of Atty. Ortega their employer. I was interested to learn about the Deliverance Ministry that the LORD gave them so I volunteered myself that they should minister to me and see if I still have demons hiding inside me. It took courage for me to do tha...